
Piggy Visits the Children of the Gillen Brewer School!

Professor Piggy brought his humane education program to the Gillen Brewer School for children with significant learning challenges! This was Piggy’s second visit to the school. The kids were amazing as always, showing that they can overcome anything, and the teachers showed once again that they can lead these children past any obstacle.

The teachers and students alike loved Piggy, as well as his education program, written by curriculum writer Kim Diaz. At first, no one expected all the kids to follow along to an analog humane education comic book that we would read together in its entirety. However, to everyone’s delight, the kids were rapt and read along to the entire comic, A Piggy’s Tale issue #2, while asking compelling and smart questions about each page they read. Afterward, the amazing teachers taught the kids how to write their own comics to tell their stories.

(kids asking questions about Piggy and his comic story)

(kids reading along to Piggy’s story, learning humane education)

Last year, we brought issue #1 of his humane education program to the school. The kids asked when Piggy could come back so we can continue the lesson to issue #3!

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